Resettlement. Done. Right.

Optimise your Resettlement

Sign up via the button below. Or if you are an existing member access your plan below:

Don’t rely on CTP alone
UK Service Leavers per year
Attend CTP prior to leaving the forces
Don’t feel CTP is helpful in securing short-term employment
Don’t feel they have found the ‘right’ job after resettlement

Take control of your future with Opcivilian

Opcivilian are a group of leading Ex-Forces professional who have developed an end-to-end resettlement process to provide current service leavers with the inside knowledge, industry gen, training, coaching and tools they need to thrive in their post-service lives.

What is the 9 Steps?

Our 9 Step process is a specially designed, personalised, and individually focused resettlement process. It utilises industry-leading insider knowledge, professional coaching techniques, AI-supported precision tools, and tailored training courseware to support and guide Service Leavers to success.

It’s designed to cover your last year in uniform, leading up to your exit date, and beyond into your new role. It should help you land on your feet and succeed from the start. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be followed in this exact manner. If you have already left but are struggling to find the right role, accessing it can help as a ‘reset’ to go back and do it more effectively.

It’s geared towards Service Leavers and explicitly designed to help you succeed in transitioning into the civilian workforce.

9-steps overview home


Your personal resettlement roadmap to future success.

Here’s what our members are saying about the 9 Steps

We’re 100% confident that our process works, so much so that we offer a guarantee to ensure our premium members benefit from an entirely risk-free experience.

3 x ROI Guarantee

As a premium member, if you complete the 9-Steps and don’t land at least one offer, equating to a pay rise from your current military salary worth more than 3X the price of the 9-Step programme, then we will refund you every penny.

Personal Membership Options

Free Forever


Lifetime membership


Full Access to:

  1. All 9-Steps
  2. All Basic Tools
  3. All Courses & Materials
  4. All Posts
  5. All Downloads & Documents
  6. Access to Alumni Community

Pro Plan


per month

Advanced Features and Support


Everything in FREE plus…

  1. Social Media Scan & Report
  2. CV Reviews and Reports
  3. CV overhaul and tailoring
  4. Virtual Interview Practice
  5. Interactive Webinars for each step
  6. 360 Peer Review Report

Pro Elite


per month

Advanced features + 1:1 Support


Everything in Pro plus…

  1. 1:1 Support Sessions
  2. Tailored CVs for specific applications
  3. DRIVE Deck creation and support
  4. Live Interview Practice
  5. 1:1 Consultant support
  6. Document & Template Repository
(Upgrades available at any time)
SLC pricing
SLC Funded Memberships

Pro Plan

6 Months

SLC Funded Pro Membership


6 Months Full Access to:

  1. Everything included in our FREE Membership plus:
  2. Social Media Scan & Report
  3. CV Reviews & Reports
  4. CV Overhaul & Industry/Role Tailoring
  5. Virtual interview Practice
  6. Interactive Webinars for each step
  7. 360 Peer Review Report

Pro-Elite Plan

3 Months

SLC Funded Pro-Elite Membership


3 Months Full Access To

  1. Everything included in Pro Membership plus:
  2. 1:1 Support Sessions
  3. Tailored CVs for specific applications
  4. DRIVE Deck creation & Support
  5. Live interview Practice
  6. 1:1 Consultancy Support
  7. Document & Template Repository

Total cost of either option is £200
As per SLC rules, you contribute 20% (£40) and SLC funds remaining £160.

SLC is a reclaim system meaning to unlock you must outlay £200 today to unlock this service which you then reclaim £160 of the total via SLC through your Education Centre once you complete the membership.

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