The Opcivilian 9-Steps

Welcome! Are you just beginning your resettlement journey? Or are you part way through your transition and need support and guidance to ensure you reach your full potential? If you’re any of these the 9-Steps is for you.

If you haven’t signed up yet you can do so by clicking below, you can either access the full 9 Steps for Free or opt to benefit from enhanced features with our Pro or Pro Elite packages. All will give you a significant edge on your journey.

Step 1 of 9


Take the first step in understanding who you are underneath the uniform by assessing your key character traits, personal drivers and by evaluating your personal, financial and professional situation.

Step Progress

Step Outline

Initial Consultation Questionnaire

Get started with an assessment of your basic understanding of where you are and where you want to go.

Quick Career Quiz

Gain some initial insights into the kind of industry you might be suited to with this surface-level analysis quiz.

Belbin's Team Role Test

Find your strongest team role with this in-depth psychometric analysis test.

Schein's Career Anchors Test

Identify your ideal Industry type by confirming your strongest Career Anchor with this in-depth assessment.

Course 1 - Translating Military Skills

Learn how to translate your military skills into civilian success with this in-depth mini-course.

Military to Civilian Translation Tool

Translate your Military Role and Military Skills into Civilian Equivalents with this custom tool.

Course 2 - Applying Belbin's Roles in the Civilian Sector

Learn how Belbin roles affect the performance of teams with this in-depth mini course.

Course 3 - Evaluating your Goals

Understand your values, define your needs and evaluate where you need to go with this comprehensive mini-course.

Military Package Calculator

Calculate the true value of your whole military package to zero your aim for future role negotiations and planning.

Step 1 Premium Content

Evaluate Coaching Webinar

Join the Founders and industry experts to discuss the outputs of Step 1 and how to maximise future success.

Pro Elite 1:1 Coaching and Support Session

Book your exclusive 1/2 hour 1:1 as part of your Pro-Elite membership by clicking below.

Step 2 of 9


Strategize and plan your ideal post-service future with the second step from Opcivilian. A comprehensive design step for effectively planning your change.

Step Progress

Step Outline

Course 1 - Finding your New Mission

Chart your next Mission with this comprehensive mini-course designed to simplify your transition.

Personal Planner and Tracker Document

Take control of your journey with this downloadable tracking record and progress dashboard.

Course 2 - Goal Setting and Objectives

Supercharge your planning phase with coaching on goal setting and objectives. Mark your targets now.

Grow Model Coaching Exercise

Grow in confidence and unlock your forward pathway with this interactive coaching exercise.

Interactive Role Finder

Identify Roles which suit your drivers, anchors, team roles and personality with this interactive role finder tool.

Interactive Industry Finder

Identify Industries that match your personality, skills and traits with this interactive industry finder tool.

Company Finder Tool

Identify target companies based on your drivers, traits and skills assessment.

Step 2 Premium Content

Planning with Purpose

A dedicated support session to ensure your planning is optimised for success.

Pro Elite 1:1 Coaching and Support Session

Book your exclusive 1/2 hour 1:1 planning session as part of your Pro-Elite membership by clicking below.

Step 3 of 9


Optimise every aspect of your professional profile with this comprehensive third step. In Optimise we coach you through CV’s, LinkedIn Profiles, Social Media Clean-up and more. Getting you primed for success.

Step Progress

Step Outline

Course 1 - The Art of the CV

Learn how your CV is your very own Marketing Tool which should have one aim – convincing the customer the buy you.

Course 2 - Making your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out

Learn the steps to an All-Star Profile, how to gain more views from recruiters and hiring managers and how to make your profile stand out.

LinkedIn Skills Generator

Identify the top ranking skills for your chosen Industry and target Role to fully optimise your LinkedIn Profile.

LinkedIn Headline Analyser

Check if your Headline is optimised for success, and generate replacement headlines designed to boost your profile.

Course 3 - Polishing your Social Media

Ensure you are not leaving your flanks exposed with this guide to cleaning up your online profile to avoid embarrassment.

Step 3 Premium Content

Optimise Pro Webinar

A dedicated support session to ensure your planning is optimised for success.

Full CV Report

A full CV analysis and in-depth report on where you need to improve.

Professional CV Creation

Have your CV overhauled or completely rewritten by one of our expert professionals.

Social Media Scan and Report

Check how exposed your flanks are with this full scan of your social media accounts.

Pro Elite 1:1 Coaching and Support Session

Book your exclusive 1/2 hour 1:1 Optimise overview as part of your Pro-Elite membership by clicking below.

Step 4 of 9


In this crucial, tactical stage we equip you with the essential tools, strategies and knowledge to navigate the job market and apply for roles with confidence and purpose.

Step Progress

Step Outline

Course 1 - The Opcivilian Winning Strategy

Learn the Opcivilian winning strategy to gaining a job through means other than just applying online.

Course 2 - Operation Network

In ‘Operation Network: From Service to Civilian Success’ we walk you through the end-to-end networking game and how to play it to win.

Course 3- Tailoring your CVs to each application

Ensure your approach is fully optimised with this mini-course on how exactly to tailor each application specifically to rank highly in the pile.

Job Advert Keyword Analysis Tool

Unlock the power of keywords to ensure your applications rank higher with this custom-built keyword analysis tool.

Course 4 - Covering Letter Craftsmanship

Learn the art of standard and disruptive cover letters that help you stand out from the crowd and get you hired.

AI Cover Letter Generator Tool

Generate a winning cover letter in under 2 minutes with our custom-built AI tool.

Checklist for planning applications

Ensure you are fully prepared and ready to go into battle with this helpful reminder to prepare.

Initial Phone and Email Scripts

Get prepped for professional and confident responses by downloading our initial phone and email scripts.

Step 4 Premium Content

Live Expert Group Coaching

Learn how to apply all the principles taught in Step 4 with this expert masterclass.

Pro Elite Tailored Application Support

Access up to 3 ‘Done for you’ tailored CVs with a walk-through from your 1:1 consultant.

Pro Elite DRIVE Deck Support Session

Access 1:1 support in this 1/2 hr session to help you to create an impactful & winning DRIVE deck

Step 5 of 9


Turn your Military Experience into interview-winning answers and fully prepare for all-important interviews. Dominate the competition with Prepare.

Step Progress

Step Outline

Turning Military Experience into Interview-winning Answers

Your comprehensive guide to transforming your military experiences into repeatable, impactful and relevant interview answers.

Crafting your Elevator Pitch

Learn how to create a winning first-impression by crafting and perfecting a killer elevator pitch with this informative lesson.

Elevator Pitch Creator Tool

Supporting your new learning, utilise this custom tool to create and perfect your individual elevator pitch.

Prepping for Interview Presentations

Some interviews require presentations, get yourself prepped to ensure you deliver what they want to see with this informative session.

How to pass Numerical, Verbal and Logical Tests

Ensure you are fully prepared for the possibility of additional reasoning tests as part of your application.

Handling Salary-Related Questions

When serving, we don’t really discuss salary, but now you’ll have to. Learn how to navigate this minefield with skill, tact, and style.

Step 5 Premium Content

Virtual Interview Practice

Take part in a virtual interview with expert feedback on how you came across and answered questions.

Step 5 Pro Members Webinar

Take your learning to the next level with this in-depth masterclass on how to ensure you leave a strong impact and win.

Pro Elite Live 1:1 Interview Practice

Benefit from a live interview practice session for your target role with constructive feedback and improvement support.

Step 6 of 9


In this step we teach you the empowering art of negotiation. We help you secure your worth and build a positive career trajectory.

Step Progress

Step Outline

Compensation Packages Explained

Understand the landscape of UK compensation packages and unlock the potential of your future salary and benefits in this short lesson.

Crafting your value proposition

You’ve already quantified your worth earlier, now it’s time to fire shots in anger to secure the ground you’ve worked hard to recce – and win.

Course 1 - Advanced Negotiation Strategies

Learn the subtle yet powerful art of negotiation in this empowering mini course designed for Service Leavers.

Salary Negotiation Practice Tool

Before you go into battle to secure a better deal, use this custom tool to rehearse your approach and deliver the right message.

Offer Breakdown and Negotiable Elements Tool

You’ve got an offer – great! Now use this tool to break it down and work out where you can leverage it to make it even better.

Step 6 Premium Content

Step 6 Pro Members Webinar

Take your learning to the next level with this in-depth overview of Negotiation and the techniques to secure your worth. Includes interactive support and coaching.

Step 7 of 9


Welcome to your new environment, but before you start, let’s help you prepare to not only survive but to thrive.

Step Progress

Step Outline

Personal Pre-Start Preparation Plan Tool

Don’t know where to start? Use this AI tool specially designed to give you a base-level preparation plan for your new role.

Course 1 - Understanding Civilian Hierarchies and Culture

Civilian companies are totally different beasts to Military ones. Or are they? We break down the differences, and similarities.

Navigating the Civilian Workplace - a Service Leavers guide

The civilian workplace can be a strange environment. Learn from others who have trod the path before you, then put your own spin on it. Set yourself up for success by understanding the basics.

From Uniform to Suit: Setting the Right Initial Impression

First impressions count – so make yours a good one. This guide helps you break it down and get you set for success.

Pre-Start Checklist & Guide

Worried about D-Day? Don’t be. This guide gives you a good steer on how best to prep for your new life out of uniform.

Course 2 - Adapting to Civilian Leadership Styles and Team Dynamics

Learn the differences between Military and Civilian Leadership styles and how to best tailor your approach to fit your new environment in this mini-course.

Step 7 Premium Content

Step 7 Pro Members Webinar

Join the Founders and other Starters to discuss how to plan your start, and how to ensure you are setting yourself up for success. Includes exclusive bonus content.

360 Degree Feedback

Gain feedback from your peers and act upon it prior to starting in your new civilian role to give yourself the best chance of success.

Step 8 of 9


This step is about building on a solid start and forging a pathway to even greater success in your new civilian career

Step Progress

Step Outline

Course 1 - Time Management and Productivity

Learn how Civvies manage their time, and how you can use your military background to stand out and stay on track.

Business Communication - your interpersonal communications strategy

In this informative article we discuss the differences between Military and Civilian communication styles, and how you may need to adapt to make the right impression

Ethical Working - Staying on the Right Track

Ethics are big in both Military and Civilian organisations. Here’s what you need to know to make sure you remain on-side

Creating Winning Presentations + Presentation Planning AI Tool

Learn the different styles of presentation, how to structure them, create them and deliver them. Then take advantage of our custom AI tool to help build your own ones!

Interactive Career Path Mapping Tool

Define your 1 and 5 year career goals, then map them out with this handy Ai powered tool.

Step 8 Premium Content

Step 8 Pro Members Webinar

Discuss all Step 8 content and gain useful and valuable insights into putting it all into practice.

Step 9 of 9


Congratulations! You made it! Now it’s about charting a course for future success. This step involves part us, part you, part community. You’re nearly ready to leave us, so it’s time for those last pearls of wisdom then you can pass-back to others coming through behind you.

Step Progress

Step Outline

Pathways to Promotion: Standing out amongst your peers

Here we discuss how to build on your solid foundations and start to pull ahead from the pack to forge your own path and how to ultimately secure promotion and pay rises.

The Art of Storytelling: Delivering Insights & Influencing Others

Gain insights into the ancient art of storytelling and begin to use it to best effect to propel your career forwards, winning others to your way of thinking

Join the Opcivilian Alumni Network

Join the Opcivilian Alumni Network to become part of our exclusive Ex-Forces Community, benefit from enhanced networking, add your own content and perspectives, and support others going through their resettlement journey